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About Us

The Kauri Mountain Restoration Society is formed by a group of enthusiastic New Zealanders who believe that a unique opportunity exists to purchase Kauri Mountain Farm from the current owner and form a public ownership model.

The society’s first objective is to raise funds for the purchase and to prevent development by establishing a reserve/parkland for public use.

The ongoing management objective of the project is to restore the viability of its natural ecosystems through natural regeneration of the native biodiversity, and to control invasive plants and animals.


Our Vision / Kapapa

Purchase an important piece of privately owned, iconic NZ coastline to prevent development so that all may enjoy it in the interest of public wellbeing

Protect the existing centuries old native forest on the site, while regenerating native forest and the biodiversity of the area.

Provide a new coastal walking track from mountain to sea - and re-establish the existing camping area (potentially to act as a Te Araroa Trail campsite as the trail runs through the farm)

Promote responsible beach access in sympathy with the endangered species that frequent and inhabit the area. 




Nick Chave                                                     


Secretary Project

Deva Howat                                             
Management / Restoration


Anne Lensink                                                                     


General Committee Members:
Moira Green                                               
Lawyer / Charitable Trust


Richard Khouzame                                        
Farming / Conservation

Wendy Bown                     
Filmmaker / Photographer / Restoration

David Ermen                                               
Toursim Strategy Advisor

Saskia Wiersma                                           
Research / Social Media

Ben Barr                                                                                 

Adam Willetts               
Project Manager Conservation/Restoration

Roger Tuck                       
BHCT trustee / Current lead for Science and Technology Advisory Group BHCT

Alisa Tuck                                   
Youth development / conservation

Andrew Glen                                                           
IT & Technology


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