Purchasing and managing Kauri Mountain will have wide ranging benefits.

• This initiative aligns closely with the NZ Biodiversity Strategy 2020 by not only preserving the indigenous biodiversity that exists on the site - but also by providing more habitat in which native biodiversity can reestablish and thrive.
• The opportunity exists to create a reserve ‘corridor’ stretching between the two DOC owned land reserves at Kauri Mountain Forest all the way to Bream Head.
• The protection of existing wetland and restoration of original wetland will provide important habitat for wetland wildlife.

• Beach access and coastline access - a Kiwi institution - this project will ensure ongoing responsible beach access for outdoor recreation.
• Wellbeing for both locals and visitors alike with an amazing reserve for all to enjoy.
• The formation of a new walking track and picnic area running from kauri mountain peak all the way down to the beach.

• The formation of education programmes for local schools and kura kaupapa on regeneration, land management, and matauranga mauri.
• To show regeneration in action.
• A potential workbridge support space for disabled employment on a working farm.
• The opportunity for Te Araroa trail walkers to experience and learn about mountain to sea ecosystem and regeneration.

It is our intention to create a self sustaining regeneration project. The revenue streams outlined above - particularly the ETS scheme - will, with good management allow this project to be perpetually self sustaining. • The farm in its current state is not overly productive - much of it is marginal land and steeps - however there is some arable farmland on the site that if properly managed could be run sustainably. If we pursue a mixed use model where a portion of the farm can be run more sustainably in conjunction with regeneration then the outcome will be not only of intrinsic value, but also of productive value.